Monaco di Baviera Classic 2025
Monaco di Baviera Classic 2025 takes you through the most iconic passes and breathtaking locations in Bavaria, Austria, and northern Italy. Are you ready for the ride of a lifetime? Start with the “base” route of 1,288 km and 23,230 meters of elevation, aiming to conquer as many virtual checkpoints as you can (minimum of 2) within the time limit. There are 10 checkpoints in total, allowing you to extend your ride to 1,581 km with 30,670 meters of climbing if you capture them all. The more checkpoints you get, the better your ranking will be, based first on the number of checkpoints and then on the time taken.
Additional Details
Price - 158
10% descuento para suscriptores del podcast - No
15% descuento para suscriptores del podcast - No